
The biggest benefit of completely ignoring anything to do with The Matrix Reloaded before I went to see it was that I really enjoyed it.

If you haven’t already seen it, be aware that there is a trailer for the third film, Revolutions, after all the credits have finished rolling :)

Best Character: Link

Worst Character: Nayomi – wasted opportunity

Best Bit: The implications about Zion.

Worst Bit: Not seeing more of Trinity naked :(

Overall: Good film, but could have done with more plot.

For a better discussion see Dave Hyatt’s weblog, though I am sure there are many others!


Work, work and more work!

Finished off the 404 stuff and am very pleased that it’s all working as intended. Rest of today was spent integrating my testbed app with the actual website it’s going onto. I do wish the designers wouldn’t do fixed height designs as it makes dynamic content that much harder!

Taking control of 404

I’ve been given a requirement to provide some “marketing” URLs on one of our websites. These URLS will then be advertised and we can see which work and which don’t. The URLs will change each month with new one’s being required. So.. thinking back to a solution that a friend used, I’ve decided to do it by processing the 404 request and if the requested URL is in the database, do a redirect and if it isn’t provide a nice error page of some sort.

Doing via a database means that I can write an admin page that will allow the bods upstairs to do the changes each month and I won’t be bothered :)

Also, I need to store the request counts in a database as the standard webserver logs don’t contain the information required. No great hardship and providing some simple stats is easy enough.

All in all a good solution and I’m glad Cliff told me about about his solution to a related problem :)

Sports Day

I don’t rant much, but this story really gets to me. What are these teachers thinking? Don’t they realise that they world is a competitive place?! Hiding a child from it won’t make them better at coping with it later in life either.

As for failure… Everyone fails at something and most of us fail at something regularly. School sports day is a good place to learn to accept defeat gracefully and understand that competing and doing your best is important. How can we instill the drive to win if we don’t accept that to win, someone else has to lose?


Just Married!


“My ring feels very strange. I?ve been twiddling with it all day and now it?s chafing. Also, it?s difficult to type, because it keeps catching my eye. Luckily we?re off to the honeymoon in 12 hours, where there will be no computers, no blogging, no typing of any kind. Presumably by the time we get back, it?ll feel normal.

Back in June.”

I know what he means. It took me a while to get used to my wedding ring and now it’s part of me.

Surprise Party

Last night Georgina and I went out for a drink with me expecting to see a few local friends down t’pub. When we get there it turns out that Georgina has invited the whole world! Fortunately only 20 or so out of 4ish billion turned up. I had a great time chatting and not having to buy a round :)

The cake Georgina had got was also great – shaped like a computer funnily enough!

Thanks to Ross too for doing all the legwork :)


Yesterday afternoon I assembled a chest of drawers for Jon’s room. Today I’m doing a bookcase for him. The new colour is beech and matches his bed. Looks good.

Also, I managed to break the dimmer switch controlling the lounge lights, so a quick trip to Homebase later, we have a new switch. We inherited the dimmer with the house, so this time we have a normal switch – much better :)