
Neil is currently writing an interesting series on software development. This section comes from today’s piece on reliability of software.

“Programmers, like all people, are fairly lazy. For any sufficiently complex problem, a programmer will implement the basic part well enough, but will frequently leave a segment for implementing later. If you look though the code of an application, you will no doubt find comments marked up with initials, a few asterisks or an X or three. These are the sections the programmers decided to leave for later, possibly hoping that when later came, it would be someone else working on it.”

It’s so true!


This is turning into a really productive day today. I’m not sure why, but I’ve managed to tick off 5 items on a list of 7 things to be done by Wednesday. It’s very satisfying and I was getting comfortable with the idea of making the deadline…

The dangers of complacency.

Just now, I’ve been given two more jobs to be done by tomorrow night which means that 5 out of 7 might be all they get for Wednesday. Typical!


We went to Merry Hill shopping centre this morning/lunchtime. Mainly to have a look around. It’s very nice and not very far away (half an hour’s drive). Jon didn’t cope very well with not having a lunchtime nap though and has been whinging all afternoon :(

Dead Laptop

The laptop we use to connect to the Internet has died :( There’s a nasty clicking sound when the harddrive is accessed and it doesn’t work any more… We’ve now set it up so that we connect via Georgina’s PC until we decide what to do about having a third PC available whilst we play games :)

The New BullRing

When I lived in Birmingham during my student days, the Bull Ring was horrible. Now they’ve spend £500 million to make a new one. It’s certainly different from the last one, but I’m not sure I like the design of the new Selfridges.