
Today’s been a productive day! I’ve fixed a couple of niggles on the car – rear windscreen washer now works, as does the rear fog lights. Also, I’ve fixed a couple of other bits round the house so we now have a working outside light and a towel ring that’s not falling off the wall!

Last Day

Yesterday was my last day at Mustardhouse and on Monday I start a new job with Campbell Shaw. At lunchtime we went down the pub and had a beer. I was given a large box of Cadbury’s “Heros” along with a bottle of Champagne. I think they were trying to tell me that I should celebrate leaving rather than they were celebrating that I had left!

Big Conversation

I have a couple of issues with the “Big Conversation”:

1. It’s a complete waste of time. Tony Blair doesn’t listen to his backbenchers or his party conference… there’s no way he’ll listen to the rest of us.

2. It’s been stated that the results will be used for Labour’s manifesto for the next election. In that case, does this mean that Labour is paying for this “Big Conversation” or is the tax payer?

MS Business Tactics

Lindows is a competitor to Microsoft Windows and the CEO writes an infrequent blog. Today’s entry shows the pressure that MS is putting on Lindows resellers. The most interesting thing is that the boss is prepared to fly from the US to the meeting in The Netherlands to be with the reseller. That’s good support!

Regime Change, Georgian Style

Congratulations to the population of Georgia for teaching their politicians that vote-rigging is not the way to win friends and influence people! I’m very impressed that their was no violence and the people got their way. It’s great to know that the populace in a democracy can make a difference without resorting to violence.