
We spent today with Jacky & Sam and had a good time. They took us out to lunch and the local pub. It was a nice lunch and I’ve no doubt we’ll eat there again, but it did bring home to me how good Georgina’s Sunday roasts are! I don’t know about you, but no matter how “home cooked” a pub lunch is claimed to be, it just doesn’t compare to one cooked personally for your family.


We all had a nap this afternoon! Jon usually has a nap after nursery as he’s so tired after all the excitement. I gather that Georgina also usually has forty winks around the same time.

I dont.

The company wouldn’t appreciated it! However today, I put Jon to bed for his nap and sat on the sofa and had a little bit of shut-eye… I was most upset when Georgina woke me at ten to six to make dinner!

First Week

So, the first week is over and it’s gone really well. I’ve learnt a lot about the systems in place and am ready to start contributing in earnest :)

First Day

of the new job and it went pretty much as expected. I spent most of the day learning systems and installing software on my PC to make it usable for me. The people seem to be ok and they made me cups of tea, so that’s good too!