The Story's Changing…

I thought that I would get back up on my personal soap box and have another look at the reasons why we went to war.

Tony Blair again managed to show the complete disregard he has for the House of Commons and the British people by last night shifting his position even futher away from the original reasons for the war in Iraq. In case people are forgetting, He told the House of Commons and us that Saddam Hussain’s Iraq was an immediate threat to us with weapons that could be deployed against us within 45 minutes of the order being given.

There was an interesting piece on the Today programme today with a couple of Labour MPs talking about Tony Blair’s speech. One of them was saying that in his speech Last night, Tony Blair was saying that the removal of the dictator was the right thing to do regardless of any terrorist or weapons of mass destruction threat. This MP also said that because the way the UN worked, the justification for war had to be related to weapons of mass destruction.

I don’t know about you, but I would have prefered my Government to have been honest with me before the war. More importantly, it was pretty clear before the war that regime change on it’s own was illegal under international law. Now apparently it’s ok? Hmm… You have to wonder if the House of Commons would have backed a war to just remove the government of Iraq if the MPs had known that there was no weapons that could be used against us.

It think that Mr Blair is continuing his campaign to soften us up as the chances of finding any chemical, nuclear or biological weapons in Iraq grows less and less likely. He is hoping that we will forget what he said before and will believe what he says now.

Not all of us are as gullible as you believe, Mr Blair.

I bet Mr Blair is desperately hoping that peace, democracy and a better standard of living for the people of Iraq comes soon. If only for the sake of his premiership.