No Smoking Gun

David Kay, the head of the ISG has asked for more time to search for evidence of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. Isn’t that what Hans Blicks asked for before we went to war?

The ISG has spent millions of US dollars and found next to nothing. They have found no weapons of mass destruction but have found some evidence that Iraq wanted to “resucitate” it’s wmd program.

Tony Blair and the Government told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. They did not say that Iraq may have them in the future; no, they said that they could be deployed within 45 minutes of the order to fire being given. You therefore have to draw the conclusion that Tony Blair and the Government was wrong when it told us this.

So who is to blame?

There are two choices: Tony Blair and the Government or the British Intelligence agencies. If we believe Tony Blair’s assertion that the Government didn’t “embellish” or “exaggerate” the intelligence reports, then our intelligence organisations should be investigated for incompetence and those responsible for the faulty reports should be fired.