Father's Day

I received a Monty Python CD and a book providing ideas about what to do whilst waiting for my computer to crash. I also got a box decorated by Jon with stickers along with a nice poem. Jon was as excited as I was; it turned out that he wanted to “help” me to open the presents. Apparently, helping from Jon’s point of view means that I watched whilst he opened! He was terribly disappointed when he discovered that there wasn’t a toy for him in the presents. Apparently, he hasn’t yet grasped the concept that other people receive presents that he can’t play with…

Of course, the good humour didn’t last. A little later, Georgina suggested to Jon that he should be very nice to me and give me lots of hugs and kisses as it was my special day. That went down like a lead ballon and let to a pantomime-esq situation of Georgina saying “oh yes it is!” and Jon saying “no it isn’t!” I have a three year old son who would rather do anything else other than give me a hug and kiss…