
At work, we have a home-grown cms system that we use to build our websites. Internally it’s known as “Monty” as a shortening of “The Full Monty”. This came about because it can do everything(!) Also, as a company, we do a lot of “directory” work which are published catalogues of company listings within a particular industry sector.

For our next major project, we are going to the next major version of the CMS system and will be breaking several key concepts in the current one. So today, we were looking for a new name. On a whim, I did a lookup on monty and got this:

/mon’tee/ [US Geological Survey] A program with a ludicrously complex user interface written to perform extremely trivial tasks. An example would be a menu-driven, button clicking, pulldown, pop-up windows program for listing directories.

How can we possibly change it’s name now?! The new version will be called “Monty3” :)