The start of the week

Today I managed to get up early and so was able get things done before the kids got up. Very useful, so I’ll have to try and keep it up!

At work, we took delivery of the new laptop for Andy ready for starting our satellite office in Birmingham tomorrow with James. Tomorrow is going to be a fairly busy day as both Carl and myself are also going to Brum to ensure that everything is organised.

Today itself was a mixed bag as I mainly worked on a variety of bug fixes for various projects. I did manage to get in a little bit of design for Dawn though who was worried about the length of time a change request would take. I managed to distil the problem down to its bare bones and it turned out to be about an hour’s worth of work, which was nice.

Oh, and Wispa is back at the local garage in Gloucestershire!

No new pictures today, so here’s another one from yesterday :)

Warwick Castle